?Anonymous Post? Mutal agreement with the father

?Anonymous Post? Mutal agreement with the father

Facebook Group

Posted 2019-12-30 by Suefollow

I have been having a mutual agreement with my son's dad for 7 years now, there has been up and down but now it's just imposible for us to even communicate..he used to go to his dad's house whenever his dad wanted but he was behaving really bad and the lack of rules at his dad's house was also affecting him at school. He would be late to school or miss school a lot when he would go with him because they would be up at 3am on school nights..it got to the point that he started to act like a baby because his dad insisted that "he is my baby and like it when he acts like it. I find it cute and I don't see why is it bad for him"..After all the Drs appointments I finally asked the Dr to just talk to him, she set up an apt for All of us to be there(me, my husband, and my son's dad)..they try every way to confirm the apt with him but he did not bother to answer, I called him and told him about the appointment and that the Dr wanted to see us all. He said he would go but still did not call the Dr to confirm..the day of the apt came and he did not show. My son also had an evaluation for ADHD and Disgraphia at school and on all the three evaluation he talked and acted like a little baby which resulted in him having to be in special education. The school specialist tried to get in contact with his dad but of course he did not answer but he did get upset about the results of the evaluation and said that it was just stupid..well the Dr ended up recommending that my son should only go with him every other weekend. He was not happy with it. He ask to go take him to just eat on my weekends and ends up convincing my son to stay with him til late the next day then when I say something he says it's what my son wanted. He promises my son that he will pick him up then doesn't show up. He has been giving 200 and month, and that's it. My husband and I do everything. When I ask him to help me pick him up from school in emergencies he says he can't. And now that I told him I was going to to file for child support he says that he is going to fight to get half custody and for him to be with him more days. Also that when my son gets bigger he will ask for them to check with the little one to see who he wants to live very with. I am afraid because my son loves being over there, I mean what kid doesn't love not having rules, eating junk food all the time, not doing homework and sleeping at whatever time he wants.

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